Sara’s Priorities

Sara Knizhnik is your PRO-CHOICE Lake County Board Member!

“I believe the primary role of a board member is to be a responsible steward of the county’s financial resources, while doing whatever is in her power to help improve people’s lives. As Lake County Commissioner for District 18, I am determined to support my colleagues on the Board who have proven their commitment to keeping taxes low and working with them to find creative solutions to problems. I am committed to doing my part to ensure that Lake County continues to be a thriving, diverse and peaceful place to live.”

- Sara Knizhnik

  • Establishing and Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility

    Watch Sara’s message…

    Ensure our tax system is fair and our local government is as transparent and efficient as possible

    Permanently implement a three-payment system for property taxes

    Increase transparency in how tax money is distributed

    Provide residents with the ability to have a say in how and where their tax money is spent

    Conduct a forensic audit of all county spending and identify inefficiencies - and follow it up with the necessary changes to save money for taxpayers

  • Finding Solutions to the Climate Crisis

    Watch Sara’s message…

    Ensure that state and federal funding aimed at infrastructure improvements are used to advance clean energy solutions countywide,

    Support initiatives to create affordable, sustainable, carbon-neutral housing options

    Replace all gas-powered county-owned vehicles with electric vehicles

    Find ways for homeowners who wish to replace their fossil fuel energy sources with solar energy panels to benefit in the short term from making this green energy choice. Incentives should be available not only for solar energy providers, but also for individual homeowners

    Conduct an audit of Lake County communities’ need for Lead Service Line Replacement and then make financing for these types of projects easily accessible

    Protect and preserve Lake County’s abundant natural resources

  • Improving Public Health and Safety

    Watch Sara’s message…

    Protect and expand the services available through Lake County’s The Living Room Wellness Center and create opportunities to provide similar crisis-intervention services throughout the county.

    Collaborate with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, local police departments and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office to address rising rates of crime and gun violence while simultaneously creating alternatives to arrest and incarceration

    Support efforts to facilitate Lake County residents’ interaction with and understanding of the court system by finding ways to make it more accessible and transparent

    Facilitate collaboration among myriad government and non-profit organizations throughout Lake County that are focused on reducing domestic violence, preventing suicide and hate crimes, reducing gun violence and addressing the opioid crisis

  • Addressing Housing and Food Insecurity

    Watch Sara’s message…

    Create private-public partnerships between government agencies and providers of sustainable housing options to meet Lake County’s diverse housing needs

    Facilitate the acceptance and building of ADUs (Accessible Dwelling Units) countywide - to help families support elderly relatives who need independence but also a caregiver close by or young adult family members who are housing insecure

    Fill the gap left behind as pandemic-related, federal funding for food insecure families and children - particularly those in the Black and Hispanic communities - in Lake County come to an end

    Create a countywide directory of privately and publicly-run food pantries and food banks and make it easily accessible

  • Supporting Immigrant and LGBTQ+ Rights

    Watch Sara’s message…

    Affirm and expand access to healthcare - particularly mental healthcare - for non-binary and trans children and adults

    Help LGBTQ residents in District 18 villages secure the ability to raise the Pride Flag each June.

    Increase awareness of the unique challenges faced by undocumented immigrants in Lake County and find ways to serve them effectively

  • Supporting Labor Rights

    Watch Sara’s message…

    Protect Labor Rights - specifically the Responsible Bidder Ordinance - and resist efforts to dilute its effectiveness

    Work to pass the Workers’ Rights Amendment